Phone: +49 (0) 1772878295
Angela Sommerfeld
Breathworker, Musician, Mystic


These six major areas guiding as a Mystic in my work and in my role as CEO for the Institute Sound of Shells.
Tibetian Buddhism
spirituel Breathwork
Whole Presence QSR
With Atem-Bildung in Lübeck you benefit from the experience of many years breath work done by Angela Sommerfeld
and her completely new, innovative therapy approach in which the areas of breathing, self-awareness and spirituality are harmoniously combined in a comprehensive concept. This combination of health and spiritual approach is unique and innovative . The aim of this work is to show you a completely new possibility of self-awareness and self-healing . This is how you explore and activate your creative powers and resources. This therapy supports your own healing and helps you to achieve a balance on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

The Institute Sound of Shells belongs to the NUOS gGmbH, which is in the accreditation process. Various charity projects, master classes, music and art projects as well as a shop, give future students the opportunity to put their acquired knowledge into practice.